# 91-22-29276519, 29276394
Our Products

Our Products
Electrical Products

Our complete Range of products include :
Switch, Plate, Socket Module, Support modules,Front Plates, Inner Plates,Foot Light,Power Units, Plugs,Outer Plate, Flush Metal Boxes, Plastic Boxes,DP switches, Bell Push, Indicator, Shuttered Socket, Multi Socket and more ...
Modular Series

We offer complete range of electrical products of world class quality. The product range comprises of Modular Switches, Modular Plates, MCBs, Plugs, Sockets, Electrical Wiring, Concealed boxes, Accessories and more...
Pc Range

Our complete Range of products include : Switch,Plus, Socket Module, TV Socket ,KIT KAT Fuse, Tel Jack , BED Switch , Regulators, Dimmer, Tripper , S.S. Combine , MCCB more ...

Our Product List 1
Our Product List 2
Our Product List 3
91-22-29276519 / 29276394
Site: www.sunwood.co.in
Email: info@sunwood.co.in
Address: 20, Tithankar Compound, Gogate Wadi, Off. Aarey Road, Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400063.